Our comprehensive Washroom Sanitary Bin Service in Birmingham and the West Midlands is designed to meet the needs of various businesses, including hospitality, educational, and care facilities. We also cater to multinational organizations.
Our Hygiene Rental service is the perfect solution to keep your washroom hygienic. We provide full installation, maintenance, and servicing to ensure your washroom is always clean. Our affiliate network offers an annual Rental Contract that includes monthly sanitary bin collection, sanitary waste disposal, and feminine hygiene bin support. We also provide a Duty Of Care Certificate to assure you that your waste is being disposed of responsibly.
Choose Clean360 Hygiene for a reliable and comprehensive washroom hygiene service.
Clean360 Birmingham Hygiene offers washroom services in Birmingham and the West Midlands.
For further information relating to our Sanitary Bin Services. Please Contact us now 24/7 on 0121 269 6808